
We offer three ways to give back to Hayes Park


Annual friends’ contributions are vital to the park, no matter their size. As a Friend, you’ll receive notice of all our events, including clean-up 🧹 and planting days 🌱 and an invitation to our annual meeting. Giving back to Hayes each year is a wonderful way to play your part in the community stewardship of this special neighborhood open space.


We welcome your support at anytime of the year! In addition to helping us cover our annual expenses for plantings, maintenance and events, we must be able to cover the cost of occasional big-ticket items such as replacement of the playground sand, painting the wrought iron fencing, or repairing the irrigation system..

Donate to Friends of Hayes Park via PAYPAL


Make a check payable to:

Friends of Hayes Park
PO Box 180110, Boston, MA 02118

Planned GivinG

Providing for Hayes Park’s Future

In addition to annual and anytime gifts, the Friends of Hayes Park has been the fortunate recipient of donors’ planned gifts over the years. The impact of this generosity is something for which we continue to be grateful. You too can provide for the future of Hayes Park by including the Friends in your philanthropic plans.

🌷 Consider naming the Friends of Hayes Park as a beneficiary of your will or revocable trust, IRA, retirement plan assets or life insurance policy. Bequests may be made in the form of cash, securities or naming the Friends of Hayes Park to receive a percentage of the estate or the residue of the estate after payment of all taxes, expenses and bequests. One or two sentences added to your will or revocable trust will leave a gift that serves current and future visitors to Hayes Park.

🌹 Considering a planned gift to the Friends of Hayes Park?  We recommend you start with your estate planning attorney or financial advisor to determine what is right for you. If you have already included the Friends of Hayes Park in your estate plans... thank you!  While your participation can be anonymous, your willingness to be recognized inspires others.

To reach us about planned giving, please e-mail us at and we will get back to you with details.